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Kandahar Stadt

Kandahar: The City with a Controversial Past and Future

The Founding City of the Taliban

Kandahar, a city located in the south of Afghanistan, holds significant historical and religious importance. It is the birthplace of the Taliban movement and has been a stronghold for the group for several years.

The Provincial Capital

Despite Kabul being the capital of Afghanistan, Kandahar remains the provincial capital of Kandahar Province. It is the second-largest city in the country, with a population of over half a million people.

Strategic Location

Kandahar is strategically located at the junction of several major highways, making it a crucial commercial hub in southern Afghanistan. It is a major producer of agricultural products, including wheat, grapes, and pomegranates.


Kandahar's history is complex and often turbulent. The city has witnessed countless battles and regime changes. Despite its troubled past, Kandahar continues to be a vital economic and cultural center for Afghanistan, and its future remains uncertain as the country navigates ongoing challenges.
